Nonstop meetings

But at least he’s working hard!

Or is he.

The alert from Fox News went out at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.

“PRESIDENT TRUMP SPENDING WEEKEND WORKING AT THE WHITE HOUSE,” the chyron announced, under an image of the White House presumably captured just minutes before.

The timing of the tweet alert was curious: After all, the weekend was nearly over.

Also…how is that news? Presidents are expected to put in a lot of hours.

But also also, of course, it’s not even true. How he really spent the weekend: furtively playing golf and watching golf on tv while his minions told the press he was in “meetings.” Yeah meetings with a golf ball.

According to pool reports, the president spent Saturday visiting the Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Va., just outside Washington.

Trump arrived at the golf club at 11:01 a.m. Saturday, wearing a suit, a white shirt with no tie and a red hat with “USA” emblazoned on the front, a pool reporter noted. Though the traveling press pool asked multiple times about the president’s activities, Trump’s team did not provide answers, the report stated.

The press pool was told that Trump had “meetings” at the golf club. The presidential motorcade returned to the White House shortly after 4 p.m. Saturday, the pool report said.

By then, pictures had emerged on social media of Trump riding a golf cart and dressed in golf attire, still wearing a red hat, at Trump National Golf Club.

They were golf cart meetings. Everybody holds meetings in a golf cart! It’s totally normal procedure. There’s ample room for two people in a golf cart, along with their beverages of choice.

On Sunday morning, Trump once again returned to the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia, arriving at 11:04 a.m. A half-hour later, reporters were informed that the president was “wrapping up last of three meetings shortly,” a pool report stated. The motorcade arrived back at the White House at 12:36 p.m. Sunday.

An Instagram post from another user showed Trump appearing to watch the Golf Channel with two unidentified people on Sunday.
That is totally a meeting! Look, three people: even more of a meeting than the Saturday meetings in golf carts. Serious, busy, governmenty work going on here. Nose to the grindstone. Worky McWorkface.

This weekend marked Trump’s 13th and 14th visits to a golf course since becoming president, according to The Washington Post’s Philip Bump.

Well hey it’s only been um eight weeks so…um…that’s only more than one per week so…um…it’s not that much. It’s not every single day.

In addition, Bump broke down Trump’s schedule since the inauguration, showing that for nearly 1 out of every 3 days Trump has been president, he has visited a Trump-branded property.

It’s product placement. You can’t expect him to stop promoting his businesses just because he’s president can you?!

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