

A Daily Mail front page picturing Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon and asking “who won Legs-it” has been condemned as “moronic” sexism.

The tabloid was scorned for focusing on the prime minister’s and first minister’s legs during talks on Brexit and on a second Scottish referendum.

Former equalities minister Nicky Morgan said it was “deliberately demeaning”.

The Daily Mail responded to the criticism in a statement which said: “For goodness sake, get a life!”

Image result for daily mail legs it

Of course it did. The Daily Mail lives in Trumpworld, where “jokes” that reduce even heads of state, if they have the bad taste to be female, to tits and bums and legs are normal and appropriate. Yeah sure she’s the PM but LOOK SHE HAS LEGS. The Daily Mail lives in Trumpworld, where “jokes” of that kind are hilarious and also a good way to make sure women don’t run away with the idea that they’re fully human and conscious and capable of thought. The Daily Mail lives in Trumpworld, where “jokes” of that kind keep women from getting too confident and above themselves. The Daily Mail lives in Trumpworld, where “jokes” of that kind take women down a peg many times every day.

Under the headline, “Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!” (sic) and alongside a photo of the two leaders sitting down for talks at a Glasgow hotel, the paper wrote: “It wasn’t quite stilettos at dawn…”

In her sketch, [Sarah] Vine wrote: “What stands out here are the legs – and the vast expanse on show.

“There is no doubt that both these women consider their pins to be the finest weapon in their physical arsenal.”

May’s are “demurely arranged in her customary finishing-school stance”, she observes.

Sturgeon’s “shorter, but undeniably more shapely shanks are altogether more flirty, tantalisingly crossed, with the dominant leg pointing towards her audience”.

She says the Scottish leader’s pose – at a meeting to discuss topics of state including the triggering of Article 50 on Wednesday – is “a direct attempt at seduction”.

Haw haw haw that’s a good one. Sturgeon is trying to seduce…erm…Theresa May? England and Wales? Nigel Farage? I’m a bit lost.

Spoof Daily Mail front page



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