All hail the blood of the patriarchs
Updating to add:
The “patriarchs” thing was an accident – a typo for “patriots.” What he actually said:
The memories of those who perished in the Warsaw Uprising cry out across the decades, and few are clearer than the memories of those who died to build and defend the Jerusalem Avenue crossing. Those heroes remind us that the West was saved with the blood of patriots; that each generation must rise up and play their part in its defense, and that every foot of ground, and every last inch of civilization, is worth defending with your life.
Of course, he didn’t rise up and play his part in its defense. He had “bone spurs.” He didn’t defend jack shit, and he didn’t spill a drop of patriotic blood. He went to business school and learned how to sell real estate to white people only.
Oh god.
THE WEST WILL NEVER BE BROKEN. Our values will PREVAIL. Our people will THRIVE and our civilization will TRIUMPH!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 6, 2017
Trump Twitter scream: THE WEST WILL NEVER BE BROKEN. Our values will PREVAIL. Our people will THRIVE and our civilization will TRIUMPH!
Several times during the campaign, my (now former) colleagues awkwardly demurred when I called Trump a Nazi in the making. I have to wonder if they still would.
He is a Nazi in all but name. It’s not some kind of huge leap – he ticks most of the boxes.
I was a bit surprised that Trump knew the word ‘patriarch’.
Ah well it was the speech, you see, and of course he had nothing to do with writing the speech.
They must have made him read it aloud several times to make sure he pronounced all the words more or less conventionally.
If I hear another word about “godwinning”, I’m going to puke. Analogies to Hitler and naziism should obviously not be used lightly, but the idea that any such analogy is fallacious in principle seems to imply that there are no lessons to be learned from the worst attrocities in human history.
Not sure what Trump considers “Western values” to be. Or did he wake up this morning and suddenly discover he likes secularism, rule of law, scientific empiricism, democracy, constitutional safeguards, etc., all of a sudden?