Person, his wife, Person win awards
Wouldn’t you think editors and subs would learn to stop generating headlines like this? Especially after that conspicuous fuss about the Chicago paper that headlined “Football Player Name’s Wife Wins Medal”?
Tom Waits, his wife, John Prine receive songwriting awards
They just don’t even think we’re human, do they. We’re pets, or The Help.
H/t Jen Phillips
Her name is Kathleen Brennan, for the record.
Ah well, you see, Dan, that name is too long. It wouldn’t fit nicely in the headline. She should have chosen her name more carefully.
… and Waits (I’m a huge, hell, mildly rabid, fan) himself has regularly spoken quite glowingly of Brennan’s very significant, even indispensable, contribution to what they produce together, central especially to the more experimental sound he’s probably best known for now. You liked Swordfishtrombones and after? Thank Brennan.
She’s Kathleen Brennan. Ms. Kathleen Brennan. Geez.
The way the headline was written, I thought John Prine was Tom Waits’ wife. And it seemed like introducing her that was was a good idea, because if they’d just used the two names I wouldn’t have realized John was a woman.
THAT’s how bad the headline is. It made me think the woman in the picture was John Prine.
I thought the same thing Samantha! I was sure I was missing something…