Nostalgia: Bic for her
innocent drinks @innocent 14 hours ago
When we got sent some pens designed especially for women.
The last one makes me laugh a lot.
innocent drinks @innocent 14 hours ago
When we got sent some pens designed especially for women.
The last one makes me laugh a lot.
I has a happy. Heeeeeey wait a minute. If I get all the pens at work changed to these I’ll have an excuse for not meeting deadlines!
I love the dumbfounded look on the guys face.
I know. “Uhhhhhhhhh”
That last one is my favorite, too. It’s just like how if they passed a law and then suddenly your gender doesn’t work anymore.
Hello all, S.J. Obsessive here, searching the web for reasons to be offended so you don’t have to, then educating the blogger; remember, if you’re told it, you know it.
Now, stop laughing at this clearly transphobic “joke”. That last panel is obviously meant to represent an unwanted outing of a person without a penis who had hitherto successfully integrated as a person with a penis. Whether intentional or not on Bic’s part, intention isn’t magic.
Also, there is a danger that these pens may be used in the future by transphobic employers, educators, etc. to out people with penises living as people without penises and people without penises living as people with penises, and I would ask you to forego your current, possibly inadvertent (intent isn’t magic, remember) transphobia and join me in calling for a unilateral ban on this disgustingly transphobic product.
Argument on this is futile; you have just been educated and now you know. Besides, should you disagree you may not call yourself an atheist.
Thank you for listening.
S.J. Obsessive.
Uhh. Being an owner of a non-pastel non-Bic Pen-is, I find it somewhat cumbersome to follow the Ariadne thread of your erudite essay.
Now, excuse me while I go doodle a little Yankee Dandy, Randy.
Or maybe I’m just a little humor impaired. But you wouldn’t laugh at that handicap, would you?
As a true SJW I have no discernible sense of humour and so laugh at nothing: all “humour” punches down.
kjsfeedbilxccm,weklsm, sjbklmn,aliguhwkmqwi
Sorry, previous comment written on a keyboard designed for women only.
Silly antiscience irrational feminists! Don’t you understand? This is Science! There is a perfectly rational explanation:
See, over the history of our hominid ancestors, females gathered, and males hunted. Females regularly gathered shockingly fluorescent pink flowers, in exactly the hues that dominate the plastic merchandise now shelved on one side of all Toys ‘R Us stores, everywhere. Why, precisely, they gathered these is left as an exercise for the reader; my best guess it was to perfume the air of ice age caves (the locker room odour of males returning from mammoth hunts, no doubt, was part of the impetus), but no matter…
The upshot is: if you have two X chromosomes, you are far more comfortable dealing with objects reflecting such hues. The unfortunate male in the final panel, having only a single X chromosome, is simply blinded by this implement wisely designed more for female spectral preferences.
(/Science! I tells ya.)
Thanks, but that much was obvious right out of the gate.
(… as to the initially puzzling observation that blue is oddly common on the _opposite_ sides of big box toy stores: we must assume that woolly mammoths generally have blue eyes.)
Then it’s a good thing that you don’t try to be funny, because in your case you’d break your hand on the concrete basement floor while punching down.
Unlikely as I don’t have a basement, let alone a concrete floor. I do hope that you were not attempting humour there at #13, because you know what they say about intention!
As to your implication that the said nonexistent basement is in a house belonging to my parents, I can tell you that as a late-middle aged, white cis male who identifies as a bisexual European red squirrel, my squirrel-self identifying as an ante-diluvian Canaanite goldsmith identifying as a 21st.C late-middle aged cis white male, and as one whose parents are both long gone, you really couldn’t be further from the truth.
Hmm, post removed. I guess Mr. Poe was right; some views are so extreme or ridiculous that they are impossible to parody.
I was taking the piss out of the “you’ve been told it, now you know it” crowd, not bloody defending them! Wasn’t the pseudonym a big enough clue?
Not really, no. I get a variety of kinds of trolls, and it isn’t always easy to tell what a new commenter is trying to say.
My apologies, I thought my comments were just silly enough to be recognised as parody, especially the part in my original post about employers and educators using the pens to out trans. people.
Hell, I guess intent really isn’t magic. :-)
Normally they no doubt would be, but with the trolls always peering from the shadows…
…..and ready to pounce on the slightest of slights, even when they have to twist your words or even invent the offence on your behalf.
As I suggested in my first comment above, some really do ‘search for offence so you don’t have to’.
It’s a service they just love to provide.
BTW, belated congrats on your move; you really are better off away from that poisoned well.
Thank you; yes I am indeed. It’s beautiful here, and no rats!
Modus does it better, but I found it funny…