But is it really a “model”?
A 30ft (9m) model of the Loch Ness Monster built in 1969 for a Sherlock Holmes movie has been found almost 50 years after it sank in the loch.
The beast was created for the Billy Wilder-directed The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, starring Sir Robert Stephens and Sir Christopher Lee.
It has been seen for the first time in images captured by an underwater robot.
Loch Ness expert Adrian Shine said the shape, measurements and location pointed to the object being the prop.
Ok. But then look at one of the images the underwater robot captured:
Kongsberg Maritime
How do they know that’s not the monster?
The robot, operated by Norwegian company Kongsberg Maritime, is being used to investigate what lies in the depths of Loch Ness.
Yes but is it doing so with its mind already made up that anything it finds is not the monster?
Mr Shine added: “We can confidently say that this is the model because of where it was found, the shape – there is the neck and no humps – and from the measurements.”
The model was floated out to a place in the loch where only a few months earlier claims of sighting of Nessie had been made.
Well there you go. What makes them so sure it’s not Nessie taking a very long very motionless nap?
Looks like it’s pining for the fjords.
Nessie is just sleeping, like the parrot.
David, you just brought a smile to what has not been a very smiley day so far.
@1 David,
I didn’t realise you’d beaten me to the punch line.
Makes a refreshing change from the face of Jesus.
Mind you, if you squint a bit and look at just the right angle……
“. . . the neck and no humps. . .” compelling evidence if you ask me!
I was given this napkin…