A fox and a hedgehog walk into a gender neutral restroom
Newt Gingrich: Clinton is a fox who knows many things you can fact check. Trump is a hedgehog who knows one very big thing: We need change
Popehat: A former professor of history, reduced to sneering at knowledge of facts. How dignified.
Furthermore, this “one big thing: we need change” item – come on. We always “need change.” There are always countless things large and small that need alteration, so saying that is empty. Of course we need change; that’s not one big thing, it’s just a pointless truism.
The problem is the direction Trump (and Gingerich) want change. Bernie Sanders also thinks we need change, but he wouldn’t agree with the Donald on what.
Fascism is not an improvement on plutocracy– it only exacerbates the problems while throwing belligerent racism and nationalism into the mix.
Remember, feelings are facts. If Trump or his Deplorables feel things then they’re superior to other facts.
Related to “we need change” is the syllogism
We must do something
This is something
We must do this.
Well, has Gingrich actually read Isaiah Berlin?
David Evans: exactly.
I’d add: frequently, it’s:
. here’s a thing that’s actually kinda stupid, but satisfies your appetite for scapegoating and/or sadism, but, we must do something, or,
. here’s a thing repeatedly put forward before, dressed up yet again as The Answer, and really no more plausible now than before, but, hey, we must do something, or
. here’s a thing which actually, on inspection, will probably just lead straight to ruin, but we must do something…
There’s a reason demagogues are always insisting it’s a crisis. The hope is this will short circuit reflection. I’m not even sure you can say they _need_ real discontent, real problems to build from, though, obviously, it helps. Regardless, Trump’s repeated exaggerations, this very crudely drawn, but dire, apocalyptic picture he draws are a huge tell about just what game he’s playing.
Trump can’t do it, doesn’t know how to do it, and doesn’t actually want to do it. But by golly, he “knows” we “need change.”
I guess Gingrich thinks we should vote for Trump because his slogan is better. Well, that and he has that nice R after his name.
well – foxes are flourishing in the UK.
Meanwhile hedgehogs are becoming an endangered species.