From the archive

Apr 7th, 2013 5:49 pm | By

The disagreements over “colonialist” feminism caused me to go digging in the archives for an account of a previous such dispute. It was January 11, 2008…and I had jury duty…

Ethnocentric feminism

I had a hard time tearing myself away from the computer Wednesday and Thursday mornings to catch the bus downtown to the courthouse, because there was a lively (not to say acrimonious) discussion on a Women’s Studies list I subscribe to, about Female Genital Mutilation. I may have done something myself to contribute to the acrimony. Okay I did. I got annoyed. Repeatedly. (But one is limited to two messages a day, so there was a limit to the damage I could do.)

It started with the (astonishing, … Read the rest

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Sabotaged with scissors

Apr 7th, 2013 3:45 pm | By

Just after posting a comment about the non-desirability of calling Female Genital Mutiliation FG “Cutting” instead, I check Twitter and see a tweet from Ex-Muslims Forum:

Grace Dent is a wonderful writer – here she is on FGM …@gracedent +

So I’m reading it. Grace Dent has no truck with euphemism on this subject.

By rough estimates, there are 20,000 girls at risk of FGM in Britain and 66,000 coping with the botched consequences. There has never been a prosecution, either of a mother taking her child out of the country, or a cutter travelling into Britain. I’ve read cases about little girls in Stratford – home of Olympic hope – being whisked off to Mogadishu.

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A real and substantial risk to the life of the mother

Apr 7th, 2013 1:05 pm | By

An organization that represents some (or all?) doctors in Ireland has said no thanks to abortion legislation to protect the lives of pregnant women.

The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has rejected a motion calling for regulation in relation to the provision of abortion where there is a real and substantial risk to the life of the mother.

In a heated and occasionally bad-tempered debate at the organisation’s annual conference in Killarney, doctors also voted against a motion calling for legislation to allow abortion in Ireland in cases of rape or incest. They also voted against a motion calling on the Government to legislate for the provision of abortion for women with non-viable foetal abnormalities.

So the majority is fine … Read the rest

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Are Sharia councils harming women?

Apr 7th, 2013 12:18 pm | By

The BBC’s Panorama asks, are Sharia councils harming women? It includes a bit of undercover video in which a guy sitting high up as if he were a judge gives a woman a lot of very bad advice. He tells her she should be “brave” and ask the husband who hits her why he does it. “Is it my cooking?” That way she can correct herself.

He also tells her that reporting the hitting to the police is the very last resort and that a shelter is terrible.

In a small terraced house in east London, a woman and her husband argue before an Islamic scholar who sits on a dais above them in a room that looks and

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Wales measles: 1,200 MMR jabs given at drop-in clinics *

Apr 7th, 2013 | Filed by

Hundreds queued at the four hospitals offering free MMR jabs aimed at curbing the measles epidemic.… Read the rest


Apr 7th, 2013 11:27 am | By

A little slice of life in Nepal…

The 60-year-old woman was stripped naked and had her head shaved. She was fed excrement and badly beaten.

The woman was reportedly accused of using witchcraft to cause death and misfortune. The assault was apparently sanctioned by the village council.

Such attacks on vulnerable women are not uncommon in remote areas of Nepal.

Last year, villagers burnt alive a 40-year-old woman after claiming she was a witch.

 … Read the rest

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Nepal: woman attacked as a “witch” *

Apr 7th, 2013 | Filed by

The 60-year-old woman was stripped naked and had her head shaved, force-fed excrement and badly beaten.… Read the rest

Down in the muck

Apr 6th, 2013 12:44 pm | By

So the Muslim Women Against Femen page posted a faked-up picture of Femen with a Holocaust denial written on one woman’s chest.

The unfaked up picture.

They’ve taken it down now, since they got caught at it.… Read the rest

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In Wilcox County, Georgia

Apr 6th, 2013 12:27 pm | By

Huh. So there’s a high school in Georgia that has racially segregated proms. If any non-white kids try to go to the white prom, the police are called and the non-white kids are escorted out. This is apparently not a hoax or a joke.

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Awesome on a skateboard

Apr 6th, 2013 10:39 am | By

More goodies from the Muslim Women Against Femen Facebook page.

A message from a sister in Birmingham to Femen…

A sign held up: You talk about FREEDOM? Then let me be free to wear my HIJAB!!

Sister from France–> “My freedom is to wear my Hijab…I don’t do anything to please people.” Hear that Femen?

A woman in full hijab holding a sign saying “I chose my hijab by myself. I don’t need women using their breasts in protest to free me. My freedom is to wear my Hijab in front of my haters. #Muslimahpride #Femen

…I don’t do anything to please people. I don’t care.

What I do is to please my Lord, mind you!

This one is … Read the rest

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Attempting to impose white western “feminism”

Apr 6th, 2013 10:08 am | By

Still arguing about Amina and the protests and white-imperialist-Orientalist feminism. On Twitter for one.

this is where an intersectional approach is so vital. Attempting to impose white western “feminism” w/o listening to the very ppl they’re trying to “liberate” = doomed & counterproductive enterprise.

Sigh. “White western feminism” as opposed to the brown eastern kind which is just fine with arresting and whipping or stoning a woman who takes a picture of herself with her shirt off.

Don’t do that. Don’t pretend there’s “white western” feminism or human rights or liberalism as opposed to brown eastern ones. Human rights are universal; that is the whole point. The whole point is to make them exceptionless, because if we don’t we’re … Read the rest

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They tell you that you’re dirty

Apr 6th, 2013 7:33 am | By

A blood-chilling post on FGM by Musa Okwanga. His mother is a GP and she’s been looking into the issue of FGM for some time. She gathered several women from Somalia, Egypt and Sudan in her living room to talk to her and her son.

One of them spoke of the agony that the procedure still caused her three decades later.  Frequently, when bent over with pain, she would receive little understanding from those in her community who did not know what she had experienced.  “Sometimes they just call you lazy”, she explained.

Three decades of crippling pain caused by a mutilation that serves no useful purpose.

This, she said, is how it typically happens.  When you’re six years

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Of course stoning is bad, but…

Apr 5th, 2013 4:36 pm | By

Well here’s a horrible piece of crap posted at Jezebel. Callie Beusman looks down on the protests in support of Amina because Islamophobia and white and European and blah.

While it is unquestionably necessary, brave, and noble to stand with Amina (who is reportedly not free to move or speak safely), the protests were distressingly and distractingly Islamophobic. A photo from one of shows a white woman with crescent moons covering her nipples, wearing a fake beard, a unibrow penciled in with eyeliner, and a bath towel on her head. Another photo, highlighted on FEMEN’s Facebook page is of a topless woman protesting at a mosque in San Francisco (because, when you’re fighting the good fight of “TITS AGAINST

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The Necessity of Atheism: A New Agenda for Nigerian Youth

Apr 5th, 2013 | By Gilbert Alabi Diche


The purpose of this article is to (a) stress the need for the development of a more freethinking society, particularly among the Nigerian youth, so as to arrest the increasing intellectual aridity crippling our society; (b) offer some personal reflections on the nature of skepticism; (c) examine religious phenomenon in Nigeria and suggest a more robust secularist agenda for the country.

From 5-7 January 2007, the Sixth World Atheist Conference took place in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. It attracted over 600 participants – atheists, freethinkers, humanists, rationalists, anti-superstition activists, and the like – from all over the world. The theme of the conference was: “The Necessity of Atheism”, which I have chosen as the title of my article. In … Read the rest

Guest post: stereotypes and children’s books

Apr 5th, 2013 2:22 pm | By

Guest post by Dan Bye in a comment on She said the s word.

Does everyone know the Mr Men series of children’s books, originally by Roger Hargreaves (since his death the franchise has been picked up by his son)?

There was a subsequent series of Little Miss books, which you could see as a response to accusations that the original series was too male-orientated. The accusation wasn’t without some substance, but if you compare the Mr Men characters with the Little Miss characters, you notice something very interesting.

Here’s the list of books, in case you don’t know them:

Notice a few things (I’m generalising, but the stereotypes are there nonetheless).

First of all, the male characters … Read the rest

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She said the s word

Apr 5th, 2013 12:10 pm | By

So Sheryl Sandberg was on the Daily Show on Wednesday. Guess what she said. That women are held back by a lot of things…and one of them is stereotypes. Yes stereotypes. Omigod! Radfem alert! Somebody summon franc hoggle to fantasize about kicking her in the cunt!

But we’re also held back by stereotypes. Go to a playground and you’ll hear little girls called bossy! You don’t hear little boys called bossy, because we expect boys to be assertive and lead.

Oh oh oh! That’s crazy talk!! That’s the diametric opposite of skepticism!!! Where’s the evidence?! Where’s the peer-reviewed science?! Where’s the PhD in sociology?! Where are the three whole classes in Women’s Studies? That’s misandrist, and professional victim, … Read the rest

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That’s not thunder, it’s indigestion

Apr 5th, 2013 10:42 am | By

Oh guess what! Thunderfoot has yet another video about why he hates feminism so much. It’s chapter 3 in this exciting series. What inspired this one? Richard Carrier’s talk at the American Atheists convention in Austin last weekend. I was at that talk. I thought it was damn good – but then I have reasons for thinking that, which Thunderfoot doesn’t share.

He starts with Richard talking about doing atheism and other things – which one would think needn’t be particularly contentious, because who wants to do nothing but atheism all the time always? But Thunderfoot claims it’s doing things the wrong way around, because

most sensible people start out as critical thinkers and because of that methodology that

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Appointing a fox to administer the chicken coop

Apr 5th, 2013 9:39 am | By

I have a good idea. I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I truly think that people who run human rights agencies for governments ought to support human rights.

Cue fireworks! But that’s what I think. Call me a dangerous radical, but that’s what I think.

Not so the Brazilian House of Representatives, apparently.

A row has erupted in Brazil after the House of Representatives elected an evangelical politician with homophobic views to run the country’s Human Rights and Minority Commission.

Hmmyes you see that’s my point – I think that’s a bad fit.

Marco Feliciano has previously said AIDS is a gay cancer and that Africans are cursed.

The Latin America Bureau reports he stated:

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She also happens to be

Apr 5th, 2013 8:30 am | By

Oh ffs, Barack. Really? Really? You don’t know better than this?

Instead of leaving the Bay Area Thursday after what would have normally been a quiet two-day fundraising trip, President Obama faced some criticism for  calling California’s Kamala Harris “the best-looking attorney general in the country.”

Obama’s comments came at the second of two fundraisers in Atherton Thursday  and began with praise for Harris’ performance as attorney general.

“You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she is exactly what you’d want in anybody who is  administering the law and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake,”  Obama said. “She also happens to be

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Obama comments on California AG’s looks *

Apr 5th, 2013 | Filed by

First, he said shrewdly, you have to say she’s brilliant and good at the job. But once that’s out of the way – phwoarrrrrrr, amirite?… Read the rest