Ally Fogg on Jesus & Mo and LSE *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

Jesus and Mo is anti-religious satire at its best, invariably humane, intelligent, and often very funny.… Read the rest

AHS statement on LSE incident *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies strongly condemns the actions of the LSESU.… Read the rest

The proud tradition of a free press

Oct 8th, 2013 6:24 pm | By

The Independent reported on the LSE Student Union’s interference with the LSE Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Student society yesterday, including quoting one of Dawkins’s tweets.

It included one panel from the toon – an especially daring one.

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Independent on Jesus&Mo and LSE Student Union *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

Includes an example of the cartoon – the one where Jesus says “Hi I’m Jesus.” Daring.… Read the rest

How bishops pushed for a shutdown over birth control *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

No cardinal was ever made to interrupt his education for an unplanned pregnancy; no bishop ever endured the pain, blood, and terror of a life-threatening labor.… Read the rest

Elizabeth Smart on her nine months of hell *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

Smart says Mitchell believed that anything in the world was his for the taking, and that he was a man who never cared for anyone even as he ranted about God.… Read the rest

We shan’t say unless you force us

Oct 8th, 2013 4:04 pm | By

In case we’re not already sufficiently fed up with the Catholic church today, we learn that

The Catholic Church tried to strike an agreement with New South Wales Police that would have helped shut down investigations into paedophile priests and placed police in breach of the Crimes Act.

Police records, accessed under freedom of information laws by Greens MP David Shoebridge, show two attempts were made to finalise memorandums of understanding (MOUs) between police and the church over how to deal with complaints of sexual and physical abuse by Catholic Church personnel.




Disgusting, isn’t it. “Church authorities shall cover up crimes committed by church employees unless prevented by court order.” Because after all it’s just child rape, … Read the rest

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More on forced pregnancy in Nebraska

Oct 8th, 2013 3:16 pm | By

Pteryxx collected more material on this and it’s damning, so I’m just going to add it all. Commentary Pteryxx’s.

The Nebraska Supreme Court refused to hear the girl’s appeal.  Here’s the decision she was appealing.

After advising the girl that “when you have the abortion, it’s going to kill the child inside you,” lower court judge Peter Bataillon denied her request for a waiver. Bataillon, who according to RH Reality Check, had been an attorney for extremist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, found that the girl was not mature and informed enough to make the decision to have an abortion. He also found that the girl should have sought consent from her foster parents, even though the girl’s foster parents are

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She’s not in purdah

Oct 8th, 2013 2:59 pm | By

Kamila Shamsie talks to Malala for the Guardian.

Learning from her parents is something Malala knows a great deal about. Her mother was never formally educated and an awareness of the constraints this placed on her life have made her a great supporter of Malala and her father in their campaign against the Taliban’s attempts to stop female education. One of the more moving details in I Am Malala, the memoir Malala has written with the journalist Christina Lamb, is that her mother was due to start learning to read and write on the day Malala was shot – 9 October 2012. When I suggest that Malala’s campaign for female education may have played a role in encouraging

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Bishops to babies: drop dead

Oct 8th, 2013 12:25 pm | By

Amanda Marcotte reminds us what popes and bishops really care about.

Remember Pope Francis said some pretty stuff about how Catholic authorities need to be less obsessed with their attempts to control human sexuality and more interested in helping the poor, and how a bunch of liberals who are grading the pope on a massive curve got excited? Remember how meanie atheists said that it doesn’t matter and we can tell you right now that nothing will change?

It turns out we were wrong?


Think Progress reported yesterday that the United Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a letter urging House Republicans to shut down the government rather than let women use their earned insurance benefits to buy contraception

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Oct 8th, 2013 12:17 pm | By


Nick Cohen explains,

Martin Bright and I thought that what with one thing and another we should take some flowers to Ralph Miliband’s grave.

People on Facebook were very curious about the uncanny anachronistic boy in the background.

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Except those that support the infidels

Oct 8th, 2013 11:50 am | By

The Pakistani Taliban hasn’t fallen asleep on the job. It wants everyone to know it still plans to murder Malala Yousafzai.

Islamabad: The Pakistani Taliban on Monday said it would target 16-year-old rights activist Malala Yousafzai again…

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said Malala was targeted because she was used in propaganda against the militants.

There is no “because” for murder.

The Taliban would target her again if given the chance, just as it would target anyone who opposes the group, Shahid told a news channel.

“She accepted that she attacked Islam so we tried to kill her, and if we get another chance we will definitely kill her and that will make us feel proud,” he was quoted as

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Nebraska changed its abortion laws two years ago

Oct 8th, 2013 11:11 am | By

The Nebraska Supreme Court has ruled that a 16-year-old foster child may not have an abortion because she’s not mature enough to decide on her own whether or not to have one.

Well if she’s not mature enough for that how is she mature enough to bear and raise a child? Oh that’s ok, they might say, she’ll just hand her baby over for adoption. How is she mature enough for that? If she’s not mature enough to decide whether or not to have an abortion she’s surely not mature enough to be pregnant at all. Children shouldn’t have babies, even babies they intend to give up for adoption.

The 5-2 decision denied the unnamed child’s request for an abortion,

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Nebraska Supreme Court to foster child: no abortion for you *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

She’s 16: not old enough, the judges ruled, to decide on her own to have an abortion. Old enough to bear and raise a child though.… Read the rest

Bishops make it official: forced childbirth more important than feeding babies *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a letter urging House Republicans to shut down the government over insurance coverage for contraception.… Read the rest

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan vow to target Malala Yousafzai again *

Oct 8th, 2013 | Filed by

“Islam prohibits killing women…except those that support the infidels in their war against our religion,” said their spokesman.… Read the rest

Hey, c’mon, that’s standard Catholic doctrine!

Oct 7th, 2013 4:13 pm | By

Via PZ – Scalia explains heaven and hell and the devil to an incredulous journalist, and then bullies the journalist for being incredulous. Yeah, gee, how dare anyone be surprised that an adult intelligent Supreme Court justice thinks there’s such a thing as The Devil.

Whatever you think of the opinion, Justice ­Kennedy is now the Thurgood Marshall of gay rights.


I don’t know how, by your lights, that’s going to be regarded in 50 years.

I don’t know either. And, frankly, I don’t care. Maybe the world is spinning toward a wider acceptance of homosexual rights, and here’s Scalia, standing athwart it. At least standing athwart it as a constitutional entitlement. But I have never

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Think carefully

Oct 7th, 2013 3:15 pm | By

Question for the day, from Mike Booth @somegreybloke:

 Would you rather fight a thousand wasp sized mountain lions or one mountain lion sized wasp?

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Guest post: the exploration is fun, but it leads to an answer

Oct 7th, 2013 2:59 pm | By

Originally a comment by Eamon Knight on She is too enraptured by the mystery of the divine.

I’ve occasionally found myself caught up (the literal meaning of “enraptured”) in a bit of mathematics or physics, such that I would ponder on it during otherwise mindless moments (like long drives, or when falling asleep at night). And there’s this sense of exploring a mysterious, fascinating territory. Eventually I either figure it out, or write a program to brute-force it, or (these days) consult Google and find that real mathematicians and physicists (ie. people who aren’t me) have already been there and devised tools to describe it. Sometimes I get into a similar mindset when trying to figure out how to … Read the rest

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No schools for you

Oct 7th, 2013 1:49 pm | By

Amnesty International issued a new report a few days ago, Education under attack in Nigeria.

In the week that saw more than 50 students killed by gunmen in an agricultural college in Yobe State, Amnesty International publishes a new report assessing attacks on schools in northern Nigeria between 2012 and 2013.

“Hundreds have been killed in these horrific attacks. Thousands of children have been forced out of schools across communities in northern Nigeria and many teachers have been forced to flee for their safety,” said Lucy Freeman, Amnesty International’s deputy Africa director.

“Attacks against schoolchildren, teachers and school buildings demonstrate an absolute disregard for the right to life and the right to education.”

According to the report Education under

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