Thought for the day
From Joe Hoffmann’s Three fewer things to say about atheism:
Just as not all atheists are humanists (and vice versa), atheists will differ about the role of the arts, and they will usually do so by asking a “utility” question: what are the arts good for? Does painting get you to the moon? Does poetry or theater improve life-expectancy? The answer to both questions is that a basketball scholarship will get you into Purdue, but not into Phi Beta Kappa.
“atheists will differ about the role of the arts, and they will usually do so by asking a “utility” question: what are the arts good for? Does painting get you to the moon? Does poetry or theater improve life-expectancy? The answer to both questions is that a basketball scholarship will get you into Purdue, but not into Phi Beta Kappa.”
Ah yes. Build a straw man. Burn him. Case proved. Except that it isn’t. This argument is pure unadulterated crap and I’m surprised he would even try it on. For shame! This is an intellectual? it is to laugh
What’s so great about reaching the moon, anyway?
sailor…think “irony.” It might help. The bit I quoted wasn’t strictly literal.
Atheism does not modify human behaviour, it frees us from modified human behaviours so as to return us to our original nature.