Richard Dawkins considers Fashionable Nonsense *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

It’s so uncool to think there is a real world.… Read the rest

Fifteen Answers to Creationist Nonsense *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Some antievolutionists admit that they intend for intelligent-design theory to serve as a “wedge” for reopening science classrooms to discussions of God. … Read the rest

Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

When cultures are organized around controlling and using women, is blanket respect for Other cultures such a good idea?… Read the rest

Historic Conference in Chicago March 2000 *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Conference brought Armenian
and Turkish scholars together for the first time to discuss the 1915 genocide.… Read the rest

‘Independent’ Peer Review *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The Bush administration wants scientists it can trust.… Read the rest

Dawkins on Darwin’s Genetics *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Sexual selection really is a good candidate for explaining a great deal about the unique evolution of our species.’… Read the rest

Byatt Reviews Browne’s Darwin Biography *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘There has been a tendency among Marxist, or marxisant, critics of Darwin, and social Darwinism, to criticise, or ridicule, the theory as a simple product of the society in which it was developed.’… Read the rest

Scott McLemee on Orwell *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Prose as a window-pane opens onto a reality that is solidly and visibly ‘out there.’… Read the rest

Frank Lentricchia takes it all back. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘When I grew up and became a literary critic, I learned to keep silent about the reading experiences of liberation that I’d enjoyed since childhood.’… Read the rest

Whither Irony? *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘In the clamorous and bloodstained souk of the world…people still go unrepentantly on looking out for good lives’… Read the rest

Washington, Jefferson and slavery. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Washington freed his slaves in his will, Jefferson did not. The reasons of each tell us much about American history.… Read the rest

Limitations of Political Reporting *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Investors need to know the truth, but voters don’t. Or not.… Read the rest

Democracy and its Global Roots *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Developments take place in a world linked by ideas rather than by race.’… Read the rest

Romila Thapar demolishes Sanskritic Indus Theory *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Indian history from the perspective of the Hindutva ideology reintroduces ideas that have long been discarded and are of little relevance to an understanding of the past.’… Read the rest

And ‘Post-Contemporary’ means…what, exactly? *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

If you number your paragraphs, will people mistake you for Adorno?… Read the rest

When Religion Steps on Science’s Turf *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Richard Dawkins on the cowardly flabbiness of the intellect that afflicts otherwise rational people confronted with long-established religions. … Read the rest

An ex-Muslim woman speaks out – and has to flee for her life. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Most government-funded Islamic clubs ‘are run by deeply conservative men and perpetuate the segregation of women.’ … Read the rest

Human Rights and Asian Values *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Dissent is part of all cultures, Asian decidedly included.… Read the rest

Report on Resistentialism *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Betrousered, two-eyed philosopher Ventre considers a world in which Things are Against Us.… Read the rest

Why Lit-crits want economists to sound more like lit-crits. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Paul Krugman draws an interesting parallel with Stephen Jay Gould.… Read the rest