Ah. I see via Normblog and Twisty Sticks that I’ve been neglecting a duty. That’s what I get for reading hastily and selectively because I’m catching up because I’m so far behind because I’ve been working 28 hours a day on this dictionary thing because my colleague kept saying We have to finish in a month no two weeks no a week no three days no an hour no right now, so like Miss Clavell I ran fast and faster, and had such a backlog of reading and posting you would not believe. So, anyway. Jew.
In case there are any of you even more behind than I am, that’s a counter-googlebomb, a googlebomb to counteract an anti-semitic googlebomb. If you have a website, do the same thing yourselves. Post that link to the wikipedia definition and it will drive the other one down the page.
Have you done the search in question? The top spot is hardly the end of the problem. Four of the top twelve results are blatantly anti-semitic; a few are Christian sites, and only a couple are substantively Jewish. It’s nice that people are noticing and helping, but there’s a bigger problem here.
Yes, I did. I have to admit the whole operation seems a good deal like rescuing a single ant. But I just, er, thought I might as well be sheepish.