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Not our crimes

Oxford Mail reports:

Witney woman accused of threatening to stab teen near Waitrose

A jury has heard that a woman allegedly threatened to stab a teenage boy if he didn’t have sex with her.

The defendant is accused of threatening a teenage boy, 14, to engage in a sexual activity with her in a wooded area near the Waitrose supermarket in Witan Way.

She allegedly threatening [sic] to stab him if he tried to run away.

When he started walking back home, a woman sitting on a nearby bench allegedly gestured him over. The boy believed it was a family friend so obliged but soon realised he did not recognise her. Reportedly, Omoruyi encouraged the boy to drink

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Not our crimes
By Ophelia Benson, October 17, 2024

Oxford Mail reports:

Witney woman accused of threatening to stab teen near Waitrose

A jury has heard that a woman allegedly threatened to stab a teenage boy if he didn’t have sex with her.

The defendant is accused of threatening a teenage boy, 14, to engage in a sexual activity with her in a wooded area near the Waitrose supermarket in Witan Way.

She allegedly threatening [sic] to stab him if he tried to run away.

When he started walking back home, a woman sitting on a nearby bench allegedly gestured him over. The boy believed it was a family friend so obliged but soon realised he did not recognise her. Reportedly, Omoruyi encouraged the boy to drink

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Not our crimes 

Oxford Mail reports:

Witney woman accused of threatening to stab teen near Waitrose

A jury has heard that a woman allegedly threatened to stab a teenage boy if he didn’t have sex with her.

The defendant is accused of threatening a teenage boy, 14, to engage in a sexual activity with her in a wooded area near the Waitrose supermarket in Witan Way.

She allegedly threatening [sic] to stab him if he tried to run away.

When he started walking back home, a woman sitting on a nearby bench allegedly gestured him over. The boy believed it was a family friend so obliged but soon realised he did not recognise her. Reportedly, Omoruyi encouraged the boy to drink

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The BBC goes into contortions to avoid saying that it’s only female people who can have pain from menstruation.

A new study will seek to identify changes in the brain when teenagers experience period pain and whether it is linked to developing chronic pain in later life.

In what is described as a world first, researchers at the University of Oxford will conduct a trial of 11 to 20-year-olds using a range of tests including MRI scans. Half of the 120 volunteers recruited into the RoADPain project will suffer from period pain and half will not.

It’s just bizarre to word it that way. It’s not generalized “teenagers” or “11 to 20-year-olds” who can have period pain. It’s girls/women. They … Read the rest

That feel 

When oh when oh when will adults stop talking this childish nonsense?

One, that “There’s no rationality” is laughable. JKR makes rational arguments, and she’s damn good at it. Rationality is exactly what there is. It’s highly eccentric to announce that there’s no rationality and then immediately talk about men who “feel” they are women with the implication that we should all agree with … Read the rest

Guest post: No such thing as too many 

Originally a post by Sackbut at Miscellany Room.

This is strange. WaPo: Boston NWSL franchise apologizes for ‘Too Many Balls’ team reveal campaign

Subhead: “Fans and players disliked the slogan, leading the team to issue a statement acknowledging the “hurt we caused” the LGBTQ+ and transgender communities.”

In the launch, the club unveiled its brand through its “Too Many Balls” campaign, a product of Boston-based ad agency Colossus meant to be a pun referencing the number of famous men’s teams in the city and the need for more women’s franchises. In an accompanying video, a narrator says: “Yeah, Boston loves its balls, but maybe there are too many balls in this town. So let’s add a new chapter to

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The Department of Corrections has a genner idenniny policy 

When you can’t choose your roommates:

Female inmates at the women’s prison in Shakopee, Minnesota have come forward to report disturbing behavior from the trans-identified males housed at their facility. Former inmate Rebeca Warmbo alerted Reduxx to the situation and has been communicating with women inside Shakopee, who reveal the male transfers are making them feel “unsafe” and “scared” for their lives.

Well, sorry, but that doesn’t matter when men want to pretend to be women and be up close and personal. Sucks to be you.

As Reduxx reported last month, a total of five male convicts have been transferred to a Minnesota’s women-only prison following the adoption of a gender identity policy by the Department of Corrections in

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The loophole is now there to exploit 

Rachel Wong again:

But the bill has now passed. … Read the rest

That day again 

Fundamental rights? Fundamental rights?? Are you serious? Do you have the adults locked in a closet somewhere?

No, I won’t ask. I don’t ask people what their verbs are and I won’t ask them what “their” pronouns are. There’s no such thing as ownership of pronouns.

It is indeed a sign of respect for gender idenniny, and that’s another reason I wouldn’t do it in a million years.

I can’t (and of course won’t) “respect people’s pronouns” because there’s no such thing as “people’s pronouns.” There are only pronouns. We don’t have our … Read the rest

Sanewashing his speeches 

Aaron Rupar says Trump is rapidly crumbling, with clips that show Trump indeed crumbling.

On Monday night, Trump held what was easily one of his most bizarre campaign events ever — a failed town hall in Oaks, Pennsylvania, that ended with him bobbing and weaving on stage for nearly 40 minutes to a soundtrack that ranged from funereal opera to Guns N’ Roses.

Then, following his Economic Club of Chicago event on Tuesday, Trump traveled down to Atlanta for a low energy rally where he seemed to have trouble stringing together cogent sentences when he wasn’t reading from the teleprompter.

These rallies may energize his base, but beyond that they mostly end up providing fodder for damaging video

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Blind adherence 

New South Wales Labor and Greens display their contempt for women.

The speeches from @NSWLabor and @GreensNSW in support of Alex Greenwich’s “Equality” Bill have been atrocious.

The level of blind adherence to radical gender ideology and utter disregard for the safety of women and children is astounding. And that’s to say nothing of the blatant lies.

Greens MP @jennyleong chose to wear a t-shirt that says:

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BBC Sport pokes women in the eye again.

BBC Women’s Footballer of the Year nominees revealed

You know what’s next. This is the BBC after all.

The BBC sits back and laughs. … Read the rest

A statement rebuking 

Traitors and bullies.

The University of Nevada has issued a statement rebuking its women’s volleyball team for forfeiting a match against a team that includes a transgender player. In recent weeks, several schools have canceled matches against San Jose State, whose roster includes transgender redshirt senior Blaire Fleming.

Monday, players on Nevada’s women’s volleyball team issued a statement to OutKick announcing their decision to forfeit their Oct. 26 match, overriding a previous decision from their university.

“We, the University of Nevada Reno women’s volleyball team, forfeit against San Jose State University and stand united in solidarity with the volleyball teams of Southern Utah University, Boise State University, the University of Wyoming, and Utah State University,” the statement

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So proud of themselves 

Smart move – admitting guilt in writing in public.

6 of us released about 6,000 crickets into hate group LGB Alliance’s annual conference. The result of the conference, if it had gone ahead as planned, would have been an acceleration of transphobic hate and misinformation, which drives much of the attack on our healthcare and our dignity.

We are so proud of ourselves for ending their spewing of violent hate…

Couple of things.

One, why release 6 thousand crickets? To disrupt the conference, yes, but why that way? It’s such a bad look, in so many ways. Squalid, stupid, cruel, messy, farcical, random…

I don’t know, maybe that makes it a good fit. Trans itself is random. It’s not like … Read the rest

It’s only breathing 

There’s an interesting pattern here.

Beira’s Place and Rape Crisis Scotland warn of a growing number of cases of women being choked during sex

Possibly you see the pattern already.

K Rowling’s charity has warned that sexual violence has become normalised, with growing numbers of young women seeking counselling after unwanted choking during sex.

[Chief Executive Isabelle] Kerr, who has worked with abuse survivors for more than 40 years, said: “It would appear that it’s something that is becoming very normalised, because not only are young men thinking that they should be doing it, but young women are expecting it to be done — even though they don’t necessarily want it or like it in any way. For

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Now there’s a vision of hell.

Trump meanwhile took questions from voters at a town hall in Philadelphia, but was twice interrupted by medical emergencies in the room. The former president then called for the event to be turned into a “musical-fest” and it continued with Trump standing on stage for 40 minutes, swaying to hits from his campaign playlist – including Hallelujah, November Rain and Nothing Compares 2 U – before walking off into the crowd.

Oh god. 40 minutes of watching Trump “sway to” music.

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Time’s up 

Rape Crisis Scotland continues to insult and betray women.

[Roz] Adams is also calling on the tribunal to make a series of recommendations after claiming that support services overseen by Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS) are still failing women.

A remedy hearing heard on Monday that despite Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of RCS, claiming that work was underway on a shared definition of women across its network in October 2023, the wording was yet to emerge.

A year later, and they still can’t figure out what “woman” means?

Ms Wadhwa stood down as ERCC chief executive in September, after a damning report ordered on the back of Ms Adams’ tribunal ruling found that the centre had failed to protect

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Never enough Never enough 

She was ten years old, and made to wear a smothering hijab that left only a small bit of central face unmuffled…but even then her father and/or stepmother hated her so much that they tortured her to death over a period of weeks.

The father of 10-year-old Sara Sharif called police from Pakistan and admitted he killed her at their Surrey home, a court heard. Urfan Sharif made the confession in an eight minute-call about an hour after his family’s flight had landed in Islamabad on 10 August last year, before Sara’s body was found.

Did he conclude with “Nyah nyah you can’t touch me”?

Prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones KC told the court Sara had been the victim of violent

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Guest post: Abortion-Palestine sandwich 

Originally a comment by Screechy Monkey at Miscellany Room.

Interesting article at Slate about the internal conflicts in abortion funding groups.

Summary: an organization that helps fund abortions in the DC area started making pro-Palestinian posts on social media following October 7. That drew some angry responses and loss of donations from some supporters, which accelerated after a Jewish employee left the organization and published an article about her frustrations.

I’m posting this not because I want to talk about Israel-Palestine. I really, really don’t, as I have nothing to say about that conflict. I’m posting it because it’s an interesting insight about “mission creep” at left-leaning organizations, a subject that has come up here repeatedly in other contexts.… Read the rest

Ed Tech 

It seems Stanford Medicine doesn’t know what a woman is.

(Also, how is “woman” a “related term” for “woman”?)

Update: That said, I can’t find the page on the Stanford Med website

Update 2: Marcy Jane xirself stepped up to help me.

Ah yes, there it is, in the glossary – the special bespoke LGBTQ+ glossary. Along with other dubious definitions. The stuff on there is not…how shall I put this…medical. It’s identityical, not medical. … Read the rest

It’s just a word, maaaaan 

How are adults managing to do this first week at university routine still?

The madness persists, as was made clear last week with news that an NHS hospital – the James Paget University Hospitals Trust in Great Yarmouth – has told people working in obstetrics and midwifery to refer to new babies’ gender as having been “assigned female/male at birth” which it claims “accurately depicts the situation of what happens at birth”.

Yes, youngster, it’s true that we name things and that that’s a human activity as opposed to something carved into the cosmos. It does not follow that the things we name are not real.

Please move on now. Failure to do so will result in failing the course.… Read the rest

Strip away what now? 

We keep bumping into the black box issue. It is, of course, one of the core problems with this ridiculous ideology/mooovement – pinning down wtf it’s about, what it expects, what in hell it’s talking about. What, exactly, do you mean by “trans rights”? What do you mean by “equality”? How do you know any of the claims you make are true or reasonable or compatible with other people’s rights? Where do you get all this?

Case in point:

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