Take the attention-seeking fake “queers” with you
“Oh but you can’t lump me in with the cishets, I’m QUEER.”
I am going to respond in some detail as soon as I am off deadline. This deserves a considerate answer.
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) November 6, 2021
I’m a bit sore about this today, TBH, because I got reminded it’s been five years since I first got called a sexual tourist in the Guardian and taken the piss out of in the press for coming out as genderqueer (by @suzanne_moore).
— Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) November 6, 2021
I bet Laurie Penny’s not “glad to hear it” any more.
.@PennyRed OK. A thread in response to your statement, 'Presumably if the people in question are calling themselves queer, they're not straight.'
First off, NO, I presume nothing of the kind. What does 'not straight' mean? The ACTUAL definition, as coined by LESBIAN AND GAY— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) November 6, 2021
decides that admitting to being heterosexual is boring. They now define queer to include straight men who like inflicting pain on women (and call it 'kink' not male violence); a woman who is married to a man but once kissed a girl and arses around with her pronouns; hetero dudes
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) November 6, 2021
It means that, for bisexual women, when they have their heads kicked in it is because they are perceived to be lesbian (bisexual men and women do not get twatted by bigots for their hetero encounters and attraction). It means being slung out of your family, friendship network,
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) November 6, 2021
stuff DOES NOT HAPPEN TO BLUE FUCKING FRINDGED IDIOTS playing around with words they apply to themselves in order to appear more interesting. YOU ARE OFFENDING ME WHEN YOU SAY YOU ARE QUEER! Do you understand what we did over the decades to fight for the right for us and those
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) November 6, 2021
ACTUAL lesbian sisters and gay brothers the fuck ALONE and move to an island, far away from us all, and take all the attention-seeking fake 'queers' with you. Over and fucking OUT!
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) November 6, 2021
Standing ovation for Ms. Bindel! That is an absolutely awesome rant.
P.S. If that is Julie Bindel being considerate, I’d really hate to piss her off.
Jeezus, if I ever end up in a tough situation, I want Julie Bindel by my side. Superlative.
Also, Pronoun People calling themselves feminists is oxymoronic and daft. The whole trans cult movement is steeped in misogyny. Fucking collectors of self appointments. :P
OMG, that’s awesome. If Penny felt a bit sore after Suzanne Moore gave her a ribbing she’s wiped out now.
Julie Bindel is absolutely my favourite lesbian, ever.
tigger @ 2 – heh – I think she meant “considered.” It’s very, very considered, and well considered at that.
Queer sort of thing to get upset about.
I recently read “Feminism for Women”, and I am going to add her to my favorite authors list on Library Thing.
Well that’s her telt, as we say in Scotland.
How could Penny possibly have thought that would work out well for her? It’s almost the definition of narcissism; Julie is a) an actual expert and b) an actual lesbian. Whereas Penny isn’t even an actual feminist.
twiliter, tigger:
Northern women are fierce! Julie grew up a stonesthrow from here. It must have been hard growing up as a lesbian in a Darlington sink estate in the 70s. It wouldn’t exactly be a picnic these days, I think.