It’s alligatorphobic to say you wouldn’t date an alligator
“Sophie LaBelle” of Assigned Male Comics has a new one out:

That Genitalia Board in the first panel is enough to give you nightmares, but aside from that…
No it isn’t. Nobody is required to “date” (i.e. fuck) trans people. Nobody is required to do it and nobody is required to be silent about refusing to do it. “Sophie” is way too narcissistic and entitled to be an appealing “date” object.
IF, and I stress, IF, I wanted to have sex with another man, that would not make either of us trans. It would make us gay / bi. IF, and again I stress, IF, I was on a date with a man wearing womanface and we decided to have sex, it would still make us either gay/bi.
I have seen photos of incredibly beautiful men wearing woman face, but that dangly bit between the legs is a turn off for me, and to say that does not make me “transphobic”, it makes me straight. I have had several occasions where I have turned down seducton attempts from other men, and not one ever labelled me homophobic; they simply accepted our sexual desires did not make a fit.
Yeah, Roj, and I’ve turned down lesbians because I do prefer that dangly bit between the legs…because I’m straight. And they didn’t call me names. They remained friends, and never made any more passes at me. Once they knew I was straight.
So sexual preferences are demoted to kinks now. Doesn’t that mean they are not kink shamers?
Oh, also:
“If [snide bullshit redacted] you want biological children, there’s a million ways to do it with trans people” hmmmmmmmmm no. There is the classic way, sperm + ovum in a uterus, but that requires a male and a female (whether through ordinary sex or IVF). Two males cannot have a biological child together; even with surrogacy, the child can only have the sperm of one of them and not both.
Is Sophie “the beauty” really this staggeringly ignorant, or is he lying?
As a person with those dangly bits who’s attracted to people without those dangly bits, if someone I was attracted to told me they didn’t like the dangly bits, I might be a bit upset, but I wouldn’t think they were phobic.
Somehow I’ve managed to never have sex with a trans-anything despite having had sex with men and women; hardly “all the time”.
Definitely assumes something not in evidence (what evidence there is suggests that trans status makes it less likely anyone wants to fuck).
BKiSA, of course Sophie believes that cis(vomit) people have sex with trans people all the time, he’s seen loads of…erm…documentaries, yeah, that’s the word, loads of adult-only documentaries about it.
As for the ‘biological’ children from box 2, are there such things as non-biological children (that aren’t the anatomically correct, life-sized ones made of latex, that is)?
And if the person in the chair is supposed to be a pregnant trans-man, then I swear there are thousands of pregnant trans-men in my small town alone. Maybe I should show an interest and start asking when the babies are due. Or not, as they’ve looked pregnant for years and years.
I believe Sophie means biological as opposed to adopted. Obviously, adopted children are biological, but of different parents.
For some reason, merk zookerberg’s website used to put that cartoon before me all the time. I think it’s a highly unrealistic depiction and discussion of reality.
The idea that all a guy has to do to get a lesbian is wear a dress, perform some gender-role stereotype of “female” and stick a fleshlight between his legs is ridiculous and insulting to lesbians.
Also, people operating “detachable genitalia” won’t be able to feel anything through them.
The whole thing sounds a little far-fetched.
The vast majority of heterosexual people have sex with other heterosexual people. The majority of homosexual people have sex with other homosexual people. I’ve heard it claimed that 1 in 5 people are non-binary, the reality is that 1 in 20 people are bisexual.
The entire trans premise is based on appearances trumping material reality. It doesn’t though, and people have every right to make their own judgements about others based on reality, not other’s self-centered claims about themselves.
Also, the claim that trans persons have a right to rent women’s wombs so they can have biological children of their own is no different that claiming that sex work is work. Women’s bodies do not exist for your pleasure or reproductive convenience.
“Hey, LGB people, your basic sexual drives, and what you look for in a partner? You know, the stuff that gets you persecuted in many places? Those are just fetishes at best, and phobia and hatred at worst. Silly you, with your caring about ‘dangly bits’ and such! Now that we’ve got that settled, let me tell you about how a 12-year-old’s feelings about ‘dangly bits’ is an important part of his or her identity, and justifies serious medical intervention, and anyone who expresses concerns about that is a bigot! Wait, why are you walking away? We’re on the same team here! LGBTQ, baby! Hello?”
For now. Once they consolidate their rule of the LGBTQ community, we will discover it has become TLGBQ, and then, just T.
It’s nice of the T to make it clear that the L and the G are just “genitalia fetishists,” in their view. It helps make the long-term project of trans ideology clear: to alienate every person from their sex and their body, and make bodies into mere costumes that people wear. Transsexualism is just a step on the path to transhumanism.
There is no natural grouping in LGBTQ, because the T find the L and G entirely illegitimate. The sooner the L and the G clear their eyes and figure this out, the better. Also, the L and the G might be able to save a lot of little baby Ls and Gs from being sexually mutilated.
Colin, #8, I know what was meant, but what was meant, i.e. children that are biologically theirs, is not the same as simply stating that they want biological children, which of course covers every human child on the planet.
Exactly what the fuck are those things in panel 1? I can see a pink sea slug, a droopy cucumber, a lilac, octopus tentacle-print oven glove that appears to have teeth between the thumb and fingers, and a pale green, eyeless snake vomiting a bath sponge.
And if they’re supposed to be representing genitalia then I have two questions:
1) Who the fuck has genitals that look remotely like any of those things?
2) Jesus on the cross? A crucifix is a detachable representation of genitals how, exactly? A visual joke about getting nailed is exactly that, a visual joke. What it isn’t; what it most catagorically is not is a sex-toy representing genitals.
Or am I far more niaive than I ever suspected? OK, that’s three questions, but the last one identifies as rhetorical.
Well, as I said, it’s enough to give you nightmares…
It’s too early for nightmares; I’m afraid it has given me daymares.
@Acolyte #15, I think that’s not a pale green eyeless snake vomiting a bath sponge, but a partially shucked ear of corn.
As for the upper-right thing, I really hadn’t noticed that’s a Christ, but it’s unmistakable now that I peer at it, nails and all. I’m Nailed Right In, indeed.
How glibly the woman (?) in panel 1 displays her cabinet of horrors. This is supposed to make us want to have sex with trans people?
Ophelia, #16.
My late mother had a phrase she used when describing something unsettling, and never has it seemed more appropriate.
It’s enough to put the willies up you!
‘The willies’, by the way, was a local term for the shivers.
They try so hard to get people to believe that sexual orientation amounts to a “genital fetish”.
In fact there’s no such thing, and can be no such thing. Psychology defines a fetish as a strong erotic attraction to an object or body part ordinarily perceived as non-sexual. Genitals are sexual parts. Sorry, Pretty-the-Wise.
If “cis people” have sex with trans people “ALL THE TIME,” then why tf are you even complaining? There’s absolutely no reason to harass anyone about not having sex with trans people because, according to YOU, it happens “all the time.” So shut up already; you have nothing to complain about.
Well it’s secret, you see, in the same way that Area 51’s aliens or The Illuminati are secret. There’a lots of stories and some dodgy video footage but it’s more fantasy fiction than physical fact.